Friday, October 7, 2011

Rounding 3rd Base....

Let the countdown begin!  We are 9 short weeks away from having our little angel here with us, and I don't know about you, but this momma is getting anxious!  We had a great check-up with Dr. Torres yesterday.  Everything looks great, Ivy Kate is measuring right where she needs to be, and she's still head down...YAY!  Here I am at 30 glorious weeks!!

We go back again in 2 weeks to have a "follow-up" ultrasound because we found out that Ivy Kate has a 2-vessel cord instead of a 3-vessel cord.  The medical term for this is a Single Umbilical Artery (SUA).  Basically what this means is that a normal umbilical cord has 2 arteries and 3 vessels that supply blood and nutrients to her little body, however her's has only has 1 artery and 2 vessels so it is working a little harder to keep her healthy.  This is nothing to be alarmed about, and Dr. Torres is not worried at all.  He just wants to be extra precautious and do an additional ultrasound to make sure everything is still looking good.  If he's not worried, I'm not worried.  I look at it as a bonus because we get see our little swimmer again!  I just love watching her move around on the monitor.  She's so active, and it brings so much joy to us both each time.  I think that is something I will miss about being pregnant is her constantly wiggling around in my belly.  I'm not real sure that the child ever sleeps because it seems like she moves CONSTANTLY!!!  That's quite alright with this momma just wiggle around to your little heart's content.

On another exciting note, we are having a little maternity session tomorrow evening.  I finally talked myself into it, and now I'm glad I did.  Jessica Meinardus with Meinardus Photography is taking our pictures as well has Ivy Kate's baby pictures.  She is an AMAZING photographer and I cannot wait to see what kind of images she captures. 

My Baby Showers are also right around the corner.  I am so blessed to have the most amazing friends and family that are throwing what I'm sure will be nothing short of FABULOUS showers.  It's just so hard to believe that time is already here!  Everything is moving so quickly, but I LOVE it!! 

The nursery is coming right along.  The baby bedding and curtains should be done very soon, and I cannot wait for Carmen Geoates from Keep It Gypsy to come and put it all together for me.  Also, Angela from Cross My Art is coming to paint a few personal things on the wall, and then it will all be complete!! 

I've been looking at Christmas card ideas on, and I've quickly come to realize that website is going to be the death of me.  SO MUCH cute stuff on there...I have to literally just walk away sometimes because I get so consumed in all the sweet baby stuff they have to offer.  Here's one idea I'm seriously considering.  Would this not make the ultimate Christmas card with Ivy Kate??

Anywho, enough blabbing for today.  Stay tuned for more "under construction" nursery pictures to come soon.  I hope everyone is having a blessed day and enjoying this BEAUTIFUL weather we've been having.  Thanks for stopping by!!!

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