Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Playing the waiting game

Well we had another successful doctor's appointment on Monday.  I'm still only dilated to a 1, but I've started to efface which is a good sign.  My measurements are right where they need to be, she was very active with a strong heartbeat, and she's in position.  So now....we wait.  We go back next Monday to check for more progress.  

We did go ahead and let Dr. Torres make an appointment for possible inducing on Tuesday, Dec. 6, but we will make our final decision on that when we go in on Monday.  At the time I was really excited, but the more I think about it, I think I would just like for her to come when she's ready.  I'm a firm believer in letting nature take it course.  I just feel that I have had too good of a pregnancy to put anyone or anything in jeopardy at this point in the game.  If I can wait another week, then what is another 3 or 4 days, right?  In the mean time, I'll be doing lots of walking and praying. : )  

We are so overly anxious to meet our little angel!  We talk to her every night before we go to bed, and I love waking up to her kickboxing routines in the mornings.  I catch Dayne watching me like a ticking time bomb, and he is constantly checking in on me to see where I'm at and how his girls are getting along.  I LOVE that he is such a concerned daddy.  Seeing how excited he has been through this whole process has made it all worth every little ache and pain.  

Stay close.....any day now!!!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Getting closer....

We've rounded 3rd base, and we're in the home stretch.  Tomorrow marks 38 weeks and boy is this momma ready!!!  We have another appointment first thing in the morning and I'm praying hard for some progress.  I've got the house clean, the bags are packed and loaded in the car, car seat is loaded, all we need now is a BABY!  I go to bed every night wondering if I'll be woken up with any surprises, and I wake up every morning wondering if today will be the day.  Stay tuned...I'll hopefully have an update tomorrow.