Sunday, January 15, 2012

1 month

Miss Ivy is officially a month old.  Time has definitely flown by...

In the past month, she has brought us so much love and laughter.  She is definitely a character!  She shares the attitude of her mother and her father which at times can get pretty fired up.  Image that, right?  

One of her favorite things now is bath time.  She used to despise it, but we've finally mastered the art of giving proper baths. Daddy is usually in charge of bath time, it's their bonding time. 

We had our first dinner outing on Friday night.  We met our good friends Kelly & Drake McGruder, and Caleb & Suzanne Yerton at La Huerta.  Little Miss did wonderful...she slept the whole time.  I gave credit to the fact that that particular restaurant was her second home while she was in the womb, haha.  This was before we left the house...

How cute am I???

On Saturday we decided to take Finn dog to the Dog Park.  It was a pretty day, but a bit windy.  I think she enjoyed the fresh air.

Our first month has come and gone, but what an exciting month it was.  We can't wait to see what the next several hold in store for us.  We know they will be nothing short of many memorable adventures to come.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A stroll through the park

Since the weather was half way decent yesterday, we decided to get out of the house and take a stroll around the park.  Ivy really enjoyed her outing, as did Finn.  

 This was Ivy's first time in her stroller.  She's also sporting her new hat that Mrs. Patty Bondurant made for us.  Thanks Patty, she loves it!!

 Finn was very anxious to get on the trail and smell all the new smells at the park.

 Mommy posing with her sweet baby.

 I realized as we were snapping pictures that I don't have any pictures with Ivy besides what we took in the hospital.  I'm a failure in the picture taking category.

Strolling the park was a success.  She was a sweet dreamer after that.

Cotton Bowl Cutie

It was questionable as to what team Ivy Kate was going to cheer on for the Cotton Bowl because this is a "house divided" after all.  Well, I'll let you see for yourself who got the last word in...

 Ivy gave her new Razorback outfit a thumbs up!

 Learning how the call the hogs...we'll have to work on that other hand.

 Wooooooooo Pig Sooie!!!

 Calling the hogs wore us out before the game even started.

The House Divided

You'll shoot your eye out!

We spent New Year's day up at the farm.  Geet & Poppy were needing an Ivy fix, so we decided to get out of the house for a bit. While Poppy & Ivy took a nap....

we went and shot Brinkley's new pink .22!  Yes, these are the gifts we buy the 5 year olds in our family, don't judge.

Watch out...she's a pretty good shot!

 The cows thought they were going to get some grub, so they came stampeding over to us....


 Also on our excursion up the mountain, we stopped in to see Ms. Darby and her new litter of pups!  However, sadly enough they did not turn out to be Finn's.  We are pretty certain the red heeler up the road beat Finn to the job.  Doesn't she look so happy?? :o)

Do worry Darb, I know exactly how you feel.